The Department of Indigenous Studies offers a Master of Arts (MA) in Indigenous Studies. Indigenous Studies is a critical, multidisciplinary area of study. It engages history, art, music, law, philosophy, and language, among other areas, to address decolonization, revitalization, and resurgence through local, national, and global Indigenous perspectives. This program will open doors in a variety of careers, including law, business and entrepreneurship, community development, cultural studies and museums, and education, to name just a few.
Because of the small number of faculty members and graduate students, MA programs are individually created for each graduate student. Students complete between three and six graduate-level courses, usually through independent studies or by sitting in on 4000-level undergraduate courses and completing additional work. Besides the coursework, students must complete a thesis, following the requirements of the School of Graduate Studies.
Because so much of an MA in Indigenous Studies is conducted through independent studies and through the thesis, prospective graduate students must be highly motivated, able to work independently, and have excellent writing skills. Please note that the Department of Indigenous Studies does not accept applications from students who have not lined up the support of a supervisor. Potential supervisors may look for additional background from prospective students beyond those listed in the admission requirements of the School of Graduate Studies.