The Film and Media Studies program offers students an opportunity to explore motion pictures, television, and the electronic arts as art forms and cultural phenomena. Students can minor, take a cluster, or get a BA in film and media studies. Film and media production course work can also be taken elsewhere for credit at the University. There are many career opportunities open to students of film and the media arts, including ones in: Print and media journalism, Arts and museum management, Film preservation and curating, Library science, Multimedia authoring. Many students go on to film or television school, pursuing graduate work in producing, directing, editing, cinematography, screen writing, acting, and other creative aspects of media. Others choose to pursue the graduate study of media history, theory, and criticism in masters or doctoral programs.
Media law and business also present exciting opportunities for postgraduate study.
Internships at television stations and media industries, local and abroad, are open to film students under the sponsorship of the Film and Media Studies Program.
Students can also participate in Art New York program, where students spend the semester in New York City while interning at a prestigious art, media, or cultural institution and taking classes. Students are also encouraged to study abroad during a semester, a summer, or for a full year.
Students interested in pursuing a BA in film and media studies can choose from one of two tracks:
Theory Track, Production Track
Students who are double majoring, earning a dual degree, or taking a minor or cluster in a related area should review the overlap policy before selecting their courses.