This degree combines a professional degree with language and culture studies, enhancing professional training and career options by providing students with the opportunity to undertake studies at an overseas University.
Situated in the heart of Sydney in close proximity to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) is a practice-based course, providing opportunities to engage with real reporting through UTS Central News and industry leaders like the ABC, The Guardian and more. The Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) gives students a crucial understanding of the role journalists play in a democracy, with journalism providing a forum for public debate and giving voice to all communities. Through hands-on practice, students also gain the skills in production, digital content creation, news reporting and analysis and writing required to excel in this diverse industry. These skills can be applied in various media platforms, including online, audio, television, video, print and social media.
To increase career flexibility, students can add a second major from five of the other majors offered in the Bachelor of Communication, and build further skills and portfolios that equip them for a range of work options in media and communication. These courses give students practical and transferrable skills for the expanding media industries.
Graduates leave with access to many career options, including reporter, producer, editor, social media editor, sub-editor, feature and freelance journalist, investigative journalist, researcher, and print, broadcast and online media content producer. In areas related to journalism, graduates may wish to pursue roles such as media advisors, communication consultants, content producers, or work in government and non-government organisations in a communication role.