The Department of Africana Studies at University of Tennessee, Knoxville is committed to producing and disseminating interdisciplinary knowledge about Africa, African Americans, and the African Diaspora around the world. It promotes creative and critical thinking skills through rigorous research, teaching, service, and publication on the cultures, arts, institutions, histories, political economies, and philosophies of African peoples and peoples of African descent worldwide. Africana Studies is a multicultural, interdisciplinary, and transnational intellectual paradigm that anchors its scholarship on local, national, regional, and global scales. It conceives of the Africana world as extending from Africa to North America, the Caribbean, South and Central America, Asia, and Europe. This department is rooted in the traditions, history, and agency of the African Americans who were instrumental in the emergence of Africana Studies in the United States. As a discipline, Africana Studies fulfills the changing needs of our society and the wider world. It also makes a The School of Journalism & Electronic Media is a community of scholars and creators devoted to the study and teaching of media issues and journalism, and their related processes and technologies. This mission is achieved through excellence in research/creative activities, teaching, and service. The School also shares the values of diversity, international and intercultural awareness, engagement, and other core ideas of the University of Tennessee in the Land Grant tradition. The School of Journalism & Electronic Media makes a meaningful contribution to the changes occurring in the converging world of media and inculcates students with an appreciation of ethics and professionalism that enhances the quality of the news-gathering and dissemination processes. The School ascertains and serves the needs of students and media organizations.serious effort toward implementing the objectives of the College of Arts and Sciences and the strategic plans of the University of Tennessee by preparing students for a global world. The central goal of this program is therefore to provide students with a comprehensive interdisciplinary education and critical level of knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the Africana experience in its multiple dimensions. This concentration is designed for students interested in pursuing careers and becoming future leaders in media promotions, media sales, media programming and/or media entrepreneurship.