The undergraduate program at the Centre for Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies (CDTPS) offers a unique combination of rich and rigorous scholarship with high standards of practical training. The program provides students with an integrated set of critical and artistic skills through which to engage with broader intellectual, social, and political issues in the Humanities and beyond. Along with courses in theatre and performance theory and history, dramatic literature, dramaturgy, technology, and practice-based lab courses, the Centre offers introductory and advanced studio courses in acting, production, design, directing, and playwriting. The Digital Dramaturgy Lab (squared) (DDL) 2 and the newly founded BMO Lab in Creative Research in the Arts, Performance, Emerging Technologies and AI, with their international scope and interdisciplinary approach, present the students with a unique opportunity to develop projects exploring the use of new technologies in the context of the performing arts.
Students graduating from our program have combined majors in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences, including English, Women and Gender Studies, Cinema Studies, Sexual Diversity Studies, Art History, Classics, Religion, Anthropology, Canadian Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Human Biology, Computer Science, and Cognitive Science. The Centre's undergraduate program has access to two theatres (the Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse and Luella Massey Studio Theatre) and a number of performance and rehearsal spaces available to CDTPS students and faculty.