The Master of Information (MI) degree program allows students to explore information and knowledge management in all its breadth, depth and richness. There is a choice for everyone among five concentrations: Library & Information Science, Archives & Records Management, Human Centred Data Science, User Experience Design, Information Systems & Design. The Faculty of Information also provides a combined degree program option whereby students may register concurrently in the Master of Information and Master of Museum Studies programs. This innovative multi-disciplinary program explores information and knowledge management in all its breadth, depth and richness. MI graduates are the next generation of valued professionals, able to lead the progression of information design, organization, storage, access and retrieval, dissemination, preservation, conservation and management. With a deep understanding of the needs of society, career opportunities are found across all industries and sectors.
Library and information professionals have expertise in accessing, analyzing, organizing, evaluating, preserving, researching and presenting information found in all types of formats. They are no longer solely concerned with books, as they are responsible for managing digital data and various new modes of information. While academic librarians work in academic institutions and public librarians are employed at public libraries, other information professionals are working in corporations, law firms, and government institutions in a variety of roles. For example, prospect researchers are working in development or advancement offices on researching and identifying donor prospects, who are individuals, corporations or foundations. Information professionals are the experts we need in the information age.