The Greek and Roman Studies program of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures / Dpartement de langues, littratures et cultures involves the examination of all aspects of Greco-Roman antiquity: language, literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, myth and religion. It is, then, inherently interdisciplinary, allowing and demanding the development of a wide variety of skills and types of knowledge and understanding.
Honours Greek and Roman Studies - A four-year program with concentration on Greco-Roman civilization and culture and ancient Greek and Latin language
Career paths
For students interested in study after the Bachelor's degree, a number of fields lie open. Graduate degrees in Greek and Roman Studies generally lead to university teaching and research. Museum Studies and Information Science, leading to work in curatorship, community education, and a wide variety of positions in government and the private sector, are good choices for Classicists. Greek and Roman Studies also leads directly to many different careers. Any career that demands intellectual flexibility, self-education, communication skills, critical and analytical skills, research skills, big picture thinking, or small detail thinking is one to which a degree in Greek and Roman Studies can lead. For example, journalism, marketing, travel and tourism, publishing (sales or editing) and the civil service are common paths. Greek and Roman Studies is also good preparation for Law school, because of its focus on careful analysis, independent thinking, and research.