United Kingdom
Choosing a university that offers undergraduate scholarships might be a major deciding factor if you're not sure which course to apply for, so it's vital to find out if the university you're applying to offers any kind of scholarship.
From choosing the right course to applying for visa and preparing for your departure, we’ll walk you through the process of applying to study overseas.
New Zealand
Hamilton is one of New Zealand's fastest-growing cities, but what makes Hamilton such a great place to study is its location.
You can find the expiry date in the top right corner of your permit. This date is usually equal to the length of your study program, plus 90 days.
Completing a degree in STEM and working in the STEM workforce offers great opportunities to learn about the world around you.
Want to know about the cost of studying in Canada? To know more about exact university tuition fees and study costs, check our guide now!
United Kingdom
A checklist of attractions in London for International students to visit while they are studying there to make full use of their time there aside from studying.
Discover the options when it comes to finding a place to stay depending on your needs and budget.
Navigating your way around a new city in a new country away from home can be a difficult adjustment.
Do you know who your IELTS Speaking and Writing examiners are? Have you ever wondered how they determine your IELTS test scores?
United Kingdom
Practicing with a partner and doing practice exams are great preparation methods as they help to mimic the real exam.
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