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930 berita dan artikel

Showing 889 -900 of 930 results
news 1


Can I change my program or institution once I'm already in Canada?

Answering questions about changing programs or institutions for international students in Canada.

    news 1


    Why Perth, Western Australia is an ideal study destination for international students

    Are you thinking of making Perth your study destination? Learn all about what Perth has to offer.

      news 1


      Explore Australia: places you must see while studying!

      When you are planning to study down under, do not miss visiting these beautiful and fun-filled attractions.

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        United Kingdom

        Top 5 Historic and Beautiful Universities in the UK

        Fancy yourself living the dream of studying in a prestigious university that has a rich history and breathtaking architecture?

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          United Kingdom

          The Handbook Guide To Understanding British Working Culture!

            news 1

            IELTS Academic vs General Training: What’s the difference?

            Know the major differences between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests.

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              United Kingdom

              The new UK post-study work visa: 5 Things you need to know

              If you are looking to fulfil your career goals in the UK, you would certainly consider this measure as an opportunity, one that wasn’t as appealing in the past.

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                Expand Your IELTS Vocabulary – Transportation 

                Welcome to our second post on expanding your IELTS vocabulary!

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                  Odd Spellings

                  Here is the list of 26 tips each one starting with a letter from the English alphabet.

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                    United Kingdom

                    How UK university grading system works?

                    UK is among the top 5 most-preferred destinations for undergraduate studies around the globe. Hence, it has become more important than ever to understand how the undergraduate grading system works in the UK.

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                      Exciting incentives to study in regional Australia

                      Are you considering studying regionally and exploring a pathway to permanent residency? Read on to learn about the Australian Government's announcement of over 1,000 regional scholarships.

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                        Construction Management Courses in the UK

                        • 10 min read

                        Satu akun untuk semua kebutuhan studi Anda di luar negeri

                        Buat profil Anda dan buka beragam fitur termasuk rekomendasi yang dipersonalisasi, aplikasi yang dilacak dengan cepat, dan masih banyak lagi.