When you have decided to continue your higher education abroad, there are various things you must prepare before leaving. One of the important things is, packing your luggage.

This is considered very important, because it concerns the rules for items that can be carried on flights. Currently, each airline usually applies regulations regarding what items can and cannot be carried. The weight of your luggage is of course limited, if you exceed the quota, of course you will get a fine and the amount is not small.

Organized luggage when you pack will save you a lot of time and prevent hassle in your destination country. You also need to know what to take abroad and what to bring from home, or what you can buy in your new city.

Here are some things you should pay attention to and do before departure.

  • Load copies of documents, photos and music to cloud storage.

  • Save all contact numbers and important documents to google storage.

  • Know everything about your flight from baggage weight restrictions to types of entertainment and food.

  • Arrange pick-up at the destination airport when your flight arrives.

  • If you have a cell phone with you, download an app that can help you contact family and friends with access to wifi.

Don't forget documents and other important belongings

Apart from carrying important documents, you must also carry the following items in your bag which must be taken abroad.

  • Passport photocopy.

  • Toiletries.

  • A power plug board that allows you to connect multiple devices with just one adapter.

  • Books or materials that are important for the continuation of your studies.

  • Clothes that are appropriate for various seasons in the place where you study.

What should not be brought abroad

To avoid waste or problems with customs in the country you are going to, you should not bring the following items.

  • Spice plant products, mostly Asian spices. If you really need these spices, you can buy them at Asian supermarkets in the country you are traveling to.

  • An amount of cash exceeding $20,000.

  • Pirated goods.

  • Any item that could be considered a weapon.

    These are some things related to your luggage when you want to continue your studies abroad.