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853 news and articles

Showing 481 -492 of 853 results
news 1

United Kingdom

A student's guide to living in London

London it's one of the world's largest, most happening cities. That can be a little overwhelming, but for the most part, incredibly exciting.

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    United Kingdom

    Guide to finding student accommodation in the UK

    A PhD student at the University of Nottingham in Sociology, Franka Zlatic, advices on finding student accommodation in the U.K.

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      Top cheapest universities in Canada

      Choose from a list of the cheapest and most affordable universities in Canada and their top programs and pick the one most suitable for you.

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        New Zealand

        Transport in New Zealand

        Getting from A to B quickly and easily in New Zealand.

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          United States

          Studying In The USA: Your Essential Guide To Emergency Phone Numbers And Useful Hotline

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            United Kingdom

            Best UK Universities in the Guardian University Rankings 2022

            Discover top UK university rankings based on the Guardian's University Guide and league table 2022 which considers student satisfaction factors.

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              United Kingdom, Ireland

              IDP Partners: Universities and Educational Institutions in UK and Ireland 

              The United Kingdom and Ireland are two developed countries whose educational qualities are among the most trusted in the world.

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                Legal rights of international students in Australia

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                  Top 7 Jobs for Computer Science Majors in UAE 

                  If you’re considering a career in computing or IT in UAE, read on!

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                    Do native English-speakers have to take the IELTS test?

                    Native English speaking individuals, seeking a visa to enter English-speaking countries are required to take and pass the IELTS test.

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                      5 pathways other than a level or diploma

                      We’ve compiled the various possible pathways for you and to provide a deeper understanding of how each one fits your educational aspiration.

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                        New Zealand

                        Where to get Asian groceries in Auckland, New Zealand

                        While many supermarkets in New Zealand have an Asian section, we recommend that you shop at Asian supermarkets to get the most authentic, freshest ingredients.

                          One account for all your study abroad needs

                          Create your profile and unlock a wide array of features including personalised recommendations, fast-tracked applications and much more.