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Royal Academy of Engineering Leaders Scholarships
At Heriot-Watt University
United Kingdom
Tipe pendanaan
Fee waiver/discount
Batas waktu
Hubungi universitas
Nilai penghargaan
5000 GBP
Tentang beasiswa
Institusi pemberi penghargaan
Heriot-Watt UniversityRata-rata pendaftar tiap tahun
Tidak ditentukan
SarjanaJumlah penghargaan yang tersedia
Nilai penghargaan
5000 GBP
Intake yang memenuhi syarat
Hubungi universitas
Detail pendanaan
All Scholars receive £5,000 to used over three years towards career personal development activities.
Modus belajar
Tidak ditentukan
Modus penyampaian
Tidak ditentukan
Batas waktu pendaftaran jurusan/penawaran
Hubungi universitas
Tipe pendanaan
Fee waiver/discountAlokasi penghargaan
All eligible
Aspek lain yang diperhatikan
Mature students
Penghargaan dapat digunakan untuk
Tuition fees
Persyaratan gender
Persyaratan kewarganegaraan
Subjek jurusan yang Anda daftarkan
Ilmu Teknik
Ilmu Fisika
Dasar seleksi
Hubungi universitas
Kriteria seleksi
Royal Academy of Engineering provides £5000 to be used over three years for UK undergraduates with potential to become leaders and innovators in engineering.
This programme aims to provide support for engineering undergraduates in UK universities who have the potential to become leaders in engineering and who are able to act as role models for future engineers. These scholarships help ambitious and inspiring engineering undergraduates, who want to become leadership role models for the next generation of engineers, to undertake an accelerated personal development programme.
Recipients will get the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to fulfil their potential, helping them to move into engineering leadership positions in UK industry soon after graduation.
For further information, please contact the University website.
Batas Waktu Penghargaan:Hubungi universitas
Proses aplikasi:Separate application required
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