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- Giles T. Brown Travel Grant
Giles T. Brown Travel Grant
At California State University - Fullerton
United States
석사, 박사
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount
대학과 연락하기
장학금 내역
200 to 1000 USD
장학금 개요
평균 지원자 수
지정되지 않음
석사, 박사수여 대상자
지정되지 않음
장학금 내역
200 to 1000 USD
가능 입학시기
Jan - 2025, Aug - 2025
자금 내역
USD $200-USD $1,000 each application cycle
스터디 모드
지정되지 않음
학업 모드
지정되지 않음
과정 신청 마감일
대학과 연락하기
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount수여금 배정
기타 고려 사항
Academic excellence
수여금은 다음에 사용할 수 있습니다.
Travel tuition
성별 요구사항
국적 요건
All international
신청하는 과정 과목
특정 전공 없음선택 기준
Academic excellence, Financial need/hardship
선정 기준
1) Download the application from 2) complete a FAFSA (or have one onfile), CA Dream Act or personal statement to establish financial need 3) complete a Travel Request form and include copy of the conference program or document showing conference date & location. 4) One faculty letter of recommendation. 5) Copy of CV/Resume. Submit completed application and all materials to Sonya White in the Office of Graduate Studies, MH-112 by 5pm on the application deadline. Incomplete or late packages will NOT be accepted.
1. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program (master's or doctoral) during the semester of application (enrollment in GRAD 700 is acceptable.) 2. U.S. and/or California residency is not a requirement. 3. Applicants must be in good academic standing with a minimum 3.00 Graduate GPA (cannot be on academic probation). 4. Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Financial need will be determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or CA Dream Act if you are eligible. If you are not eligible to complete one of these applications, you will need to explain your financial need in Part II of the grant application. The explanation needs to include details about your regular expenses and income and will be determined at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Studies. 5. Priority is given to applicants whose travel will occur within the next three months applications for travel planned for more than three months before or after the application date might be postponed to a later application date. Travel cannot occur less than 2 weeks of the submittal deadline dates. A completed Travel Request form must accompany your application as well. 6. ''Conference'' may include symposia, congress, arts competitions, and performance auditions. Applications will only be considered if the student has an active participation in the conference (for example, as presenter, speaker, poster author, panelist, conference volunteer/worker, performer, etc.) It is expected that the graduate student's participation will be linked to the student's degree program requirements (for example, thesis or project research, performance, or course work).
Application Deadline:
Fall- September 5 and November 28
Spring- February 20 and May 20
장학금 신청마감일:대학과 연락하기
입학 지원 절차:Separate application required
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