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- The Patrick Amos Bloomfield...

The Patrick Amos Bloomfield Bursary funded by Hymans Robertson LLP
At City, University Of London
United Kingdom
Tipe pendanaan
Fee waiver/discount
Batas waktu
Hubungi universitas
Nilai penghargaan
15000 GBP
Tentang beasiswa
Institusi pemberi penghargaan
City, University Of LondonRata-rata pendaftar tiap tahun
Tidak ditentukan
SarjanaJumlah penghargaan yang tersedia
Tidak ditentukan
Nilai penghargaan
15000 GBP
Intake yang memenuhi syarat
Hubungi universitas
Detail pendanaan
The Bursary, which is valued at £15,000 in total per student, will be paid at £5,000 annually for the duration of the student’s studies (for a maximum of three years).
Modus belajar
Tidak ditentukan
Modus penyampaian
Tidak ditentukan
Batas waktu pendaftaran jurusan/penawaran
Hubungi universitas
Tipe pendanaan
Fee waiver/discountAlokasi penghargaan
Aspek lain yang diperhatikan
Academic excellence
Penghargaan dapat digunakan untuk
Tuition fees
Persyaratan gender
Persyaratan kewarganegaraan
Subjek jurusan yang Anda daftarkan
Akuntansi Bisnis
Ilmu Aktuaria
Analisis Data
Dasar seleksi
Academic excellence, Financial need/hardship
Kriteria seleksi
Criteria and eligibility
- Applicants must have received a confirmed offer to study at Bayes Business School for entry on one of the following courses: BSc Actuarial Science, BSc Finance with Actuarial Science or BSc Data Analytics and Actuarial Science
- Applicants must be able to demonstrate academic excellence
- Applicants must be able to demonstrate financial need
The name of the Bursary recipient will be shared with the donors.
The recipient will be required to submit a one page annual report at the end of the academic year which will be sent to the donors.
The recipient may be asked to provide a testimonial on the impact the Bursary has made.
Batas Waktu Penghargaan:Hubungi universitas
Proses aplikasi:Separate application required
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