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Durham Inspired Music -Schon and Overli Scholarships
At جامعة دورهام
United Kingdom
الدراسة الجامعية
نوع التمويل
Fee waiver/discount
موعد التسليم
تواصل مع الجامعة
قيمة الجائزة
4000 GBP
معلومات عن المنحة الدراسية
المؤسسة المانحة
جامعة دورهاممتوسط طلبات التقديم في السنة
غير محدد
الدراسة الجامعيةعدد الجوائز المتاحة
قيمة الجائزة
4000 GBP
موعد بدء الدراسة المتاح
تواصل مع الجامعة
تفاصيل التمويل
£4,000 per academic year to help support tuition fees, living costs, all other costs of study and career/leadership development opportunities
الوضع الدراسي
Full Time
وضع التسليم
غير محدد
الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات للبرامج الدراسية/العروض
تواصل مع الجامعة
نوع التمويل
Fee waiver/discountتخصيص الجائزة
جوانب أخرى في الاعتبار
Income related, Music
يمكن استخدام الجائزة ل
Cost of living, Tuition fees
الشرط المتعلق بالجنسين
الشرط المتعلق بالجنسية
البرنامج الدراسي الذي تتقدم للحصول عليه
فنون إبداعية أخرى
أساس الاختيار
Financial need/hardship, Music excellence
معيار الاختيار
Your performance level, personal statement and reference will be considered by a panel of University colleagues with expertise in the respective areas of Music and may be shared for wider consideration at the discretion of the panel.
Submit an online scholarship application form including the following: A Personal Statement explaining why you should be awarded a Scholarship for Music, including examples of your current experience, an explanation of what difference the Scholarship would make to you and how you plan to pursue music performance at Durham, YouTube clips of your performance of two different pieces of music of approximately three minutes length e-mailed to scholarship.application@durham.ac.uk, An independent reference of no more than 800 words from a suitable adult (e.g. a member of sixth-form staff or music teacher) explaining why you are a suitable candidate to be awarded a Scholarship for Music. The reference should outline relevant indicators of exceptional musical achievement or potential. References should be sent directly from the referee to scholarship.application@durham.ac.uk. Your referee should submit the reference on letter headed paper to contain the referee's name, position, contact details and your full name, provide a copy of your Student Finance England letter confirming the value of maintenance loan you are due to receive when you commence your studies to scholarship.application@durham.ac.uk. If you do not have this by the scholarship deadline please provide this as soon as possibly can after the deadline.
Designed specifically to support low-income home students who are able to demonstrate exceptional potential in the field of music.
Amount: £4,000 per academic year to help support tuition fees, living costs, all other costs of study and career/leadership development opportunities
Number of awards available: 2 Overli Scholarships 2 Schon Scholarships
All undergraduate programmes, including Foundation Years if applicable
Duration: Each year of the undergraduate programme (up to a maximum of four years)
Household Income
Applicants must have a household income below £42,875 based on an assessment carried out by Student Finance England.
Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate an exceptional level of potential and excellence in Music performance eg:
A high level of performance at Grade 8- level on any instrument (including voice)
Submit an academic application to Durham University before the UCAS deadline
آخر موعد للتقديم:تواصل مع الجامعة
عملية تقديم الطلب:Separate application required
لمزيد من المعلومات حول جائزة التمويل، يمكنك زيارة صفحة المنح الدراسية الخاصة بالمؤسسة صفحة منح الجامعة
حساب واحد لكل احتياجاتك للدراسة في الخارج
قم بإنشاء ملفك الشخصي لتتمتع بمجموعة متنوعة من الميزات، بما في ذلك التوصيات الشخصية، وتسريع الطلبات، والمزيد.
تسجيلتسجيل الدخول