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International Student Scholarships
At Griffith College
사전 학위 및 직업
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount
대학과 연락하기
장학금 내역
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장학금 개요
시상 기관
Griffith College평균 지원자 수
지정되지 않음
사전 학위 및 직업수여 대상자
지정되지 않음
장학금 내역
지정되지 않음
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자금 내역
Please contact the provider
스터디 모드
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학업 모드
지정되지 않음
과정 신청 마감일
대학과 연락하기
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount수여금 배정
기타 고려 사항
Academic excellence
수여금은 다음에 사용할 수 있습니다.
Tuition fees
성별 요구사항
국적 요건
All international
신청하는 과정 과목
특정 전공 없음선택 기준
Academic excellence
선정 기준
Scholarship only available to new international students and who have not studied at Griffith College in any previous study period
Students must be commencing in a Foundation or Diploma program
Students must have accepted their offer and paid relevant fees
Students must be enrolled past census date
Scholarship does not apply to students deferring to commence at a later trimester
Scholarship does not apply to students who are charged domestic fees
The scholarship package and inclusions can only be redeemed for their intended purposes outlined above and are not transferable or exchangeable in any way
The tuition scholarship will automatically be applied to the student's college account for study in their second trimester
To qualify for this scholarship, students must:
Accept their offer by the cut-off date for each trimester:
Pay all relevant fees
Commence study in their accepted intake (no deferrals)
Remain enrolled past census date
We are looking forward to meeting you here on our vibrant campus in sunny Queensland!
To welcome you to our college and help you kickstart your study adventure in Australia, we are offering an International Student Scholarship* to eligible new students in Trimester 3, 2024 and Trimester 1, 2025.
Scholarships are only available to new international students commencing in the Trimester 3 (October) 2024 or the Trimester 1 (March) 2025 intake and who have not studied at Griffith College in any previous study period.
Scholarships can only be redeemed for their intended purpose and are not transferable or exchangeable in any way. Quotas apply to all scholarships, delays in accepting your offer may affect eligibility. Scholarship available from 19th February 2024. Students will receive scholarship payments post-census.
Some scholarships require students to obtain a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 out of 7 in their first trimester of study. Please check with us to confirm scholarship requirements.
Please chat to your agent for information on how to apply.
장학금 신청마감일:대학과 연락하기
입학 지원 절차:Separate application required
자세한 내용은 대학 장학금 페이지를 참고하세요. 학교 장학금 페이지