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CSJR Postgraduate Student Bursary
At SOAS University of London
موقعیت مکانی
United Kingdom
کارشناسی ارشد
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Fee waiver/discount
تماس با دانشگاه
ارزش سهمیه
5000 GBP
در مورد بورسیه
:موسساتی که سهمیه را ارایه می دهند
SOAS University of London:میانگین تعداد درخواست در هر سال
تعیین نشده
کارشناسی ارشد:تعداد سهمیه های قابل استفاده
تعیین نشده
:ارزش سهمیه
5000 GBP
:دریافت واجد شرایط
تماس با دانشگاه
:اطلاعات تامین سرمایه
The total value of the scholarship is £5,000 for one year only for full-time programmes, providing a contribution towards fees.
:حالت مطالعه
Full Time, Part Time
:نحوه دریافت
تعیین نشده
:فرجه درخواست درس یا ارایه
تماس با دانشگاه
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Fee waiver/discount:تخصیص سهمیه
:در نظر گرفتن موارد دیگر
Academic excellence
:سهمیه میتواند برای.... استفاده شود
Tuition fees
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با جنسیت
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با ملیت
All international
:دروسی که برایشان درخواست داده اید
مطالعات مذهب
علوم انسانی
:مبنا انتخاب
Academic excellence
:شرایط انتخاب
Candidates will be assessed on academic merit by a Selection Panel. The Centre reserves the right not to make an award in the event that no suitable application is received.
Candidates will be assessed on evidence that the primary focus of their study is Japanese Buddhism and that they have sufficient knowledge of Japanese to use sources in Japanese.
The assessment of your application will be based on the information in your application for admission. Selectors will be looking at academic references, degree results, statement, CV, research proposal (MPhil/PhD applications only) and other relevant information.
Applicants must possess an outstanding academic record.
Taught Master's (MA) applicants must focus on Japanese Religions/Japanese Buddhism. Evidence of this should be included in the statement of their application and reflected in their choice of modules.
Taught Master's (MA) and Research Degree (MPhil/PhD) applicants should give evidence in the statement of their application of their ability to use sources in Japanese.
Open to UK/EU and Overseas candidates.
Applicants must have applied to SOAS but are not required to have received an offer of admission by the scholarship deadline. An offer will need to have been received by the time the relevant panel meets to discuss scholarship applications.
Applicants must meet the English language condition of their offer of admission to study at SOAS as soon as possible.
Eligible programmes
Full-time/part-time Research Degree: Religions and Philosophies in Japanese Religions (Department of Religions & Philosophies, School of History, Religions & Philosophies).
Full-time/part-time MA Buddhist Studies focusing on Japanese Religions/Japanese Buddhism.
Full-time/part-time MA Buddhist Studies and Intensive Language (Japanese) focusing on Japanese Buddhism.
New admissions only
Applicants must submit an application for your programme as soon as possible and then submit an application for this scholarship in order to be considered. Please note that complete applications for admission can take up to 4 weeks to be considered by the department, although this duration can vary depending on the time of year. You should be prepared to wait up to 6 weeks in busy periods.
You will need to have a firm offer for your programme by the time the scholarship panel meet.
Late or incomplete scholarship applications will not be considered.
The scholarship shortlisting and awarding period is expected to be completed at the earliest. Successful candidates will be contacted first and once all awards have been allocated, the unsuccessful candidates will be notified.
مهلت دریافت جایزهتماس با دانشگاه
مراحل درخواست:Separate application required
برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر مربوط به کمک هزینه های تشویقی و تحصیلی از صفحه موسسه دیدن کنید. صفحه اسکالرشیپ موسسه