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- SOAS Bursary
SOAS Bursary
At SOAS University of London
موقعیت مکانی
United Kingdom
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
تماس با دانشگاه
ارزش سهمیه
تعیین نشده
در مورد بورسیه
:موسساتی که سهمیه را ارایه می دهند
SOAS University of London:میانگین تعداد درخواست در هر سال
تعیین نشده
کارشناسی:تعداد سهمیه های قابل استفاده
تعیین نشده
:ارزش سهمیه
تعیین نشده
:دریافت واجد شرایط
تماس با دانشگاه
:اطلاعات تامین سرمایه
£4,500 of cash bursaries over the duration of your degree; £1,500 cash bursary in first, second or third, and final year (£0 in language year abroad)
:حالت مطالعه
Full Time
:نحوه دریافت
تعیین نشده
:فرجه درخواست درس یا ارایه
تماس با دانشگاه
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Cash:تخصیص سهمیه
:در نظر گرفتن موارد دیگر
Income related
:سهمیه میتواند برای.... استفاده شود
Tuition fees
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با جنسیت
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با ملیت
:دروسی که برایشان درخواست داده اید
محدود به درس نیست:مبنا انتخاب
Refugee/asylum status, Financial need/hardship
:شرایط انتخاب
To be eligible for a SOAS bursary, you must:
enrol on to a first year of a full-time undergraduate/foundation degree course at SOAS
ordinarily be a resident in England and a Home student for fee purposes.
be a new student and should not already hold a first degree or higher qualification
only be made eligible for the bursary if you have been income assessed by Student Finance and have a household income of £25,000 or less even if you do not intend to take up the maintenance loan.
Priority will be given to the following groups:
students with experience of care
students from lowest participation neighbourhoods (Polar Quintile 1)
students with the lowest household income (students with a household income closer to £0 will be allocated in preference to £24,999 for example)
students who are first in their family to go to university ('First' means an applicant's parents, step-parents or guardians did not attend university. This is self-declared data which applicants include in their UCAS application form. If you are the first generation in your family to attend a higher education institution you must declare this in your UCAS application to be considered for this award.)
students with refugee status
You will not need to make an application for the SOAS Bursary. Once you have applied to study an undergraduate course at SOAS, you should make an application for student finance. Provided you and your parents/guardians have consented to share your information on your Student Finance application we will assess you automatically based on your household income. This will allow us to view your details on a portal at the Student Finance website. The portal will only provide the information we need to assess your entitlement to an Award.
مهلت دریافت جایزهتماس با دانشگاه
مراحل درخواست:Automatic consideration
برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر مربوط به کمک هزینه های تشویقی و تحصیلی از صفحه موسسه دیدن کنید. صفحه اسکالرشیپ موسسه