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Energy Science
At Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Yüksek Lisans
Finansman türü
Other Discount
Son tarih
Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Ödenek değeri
Burs hakkında
Ödenek veren kurum
Trinity College Dublin, the University of DublinYıllık ortalama başvuru
Yüksek LisansMevcut ödenek sayısı
Ödenek değeri
Uygun alım
Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Finansman detayları
Please contact the provider
Eğitim modu
Full Time
Gönderim modu
Bölüm/teklif başvuru son tarihi
Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Finansman türü
Other DiscountÖdenek tahsili
Dikkate alınan diğer hususlar
Academic excellence
Ödenek şunlar için kullanılabilir
Tuition fees
Cinsiyet şartları
Uyruk şartları
All international
Başvurduğunuz bölüm
Doğal Kaynakları Koruma
Seçim esasları
Academic excellence
Seçim kriterleri
The Energy Science team is delighted to offer a number of partial scholarships to non-EU students undertaking the MSc Energy Science degree in the academic year. These scholarships are aimed to support and develop outstanding postgraduate students and will be awarded to candidates who demonstrate a high level of academic achievement, extracurricular accomplishments or contribution to society.
The scholarships are available to new non-EU entrants to MSc in Energy Science programme, for admission in September. Applicants must hold a conditional or unconditional offer and complete the application process upon receipt of offer and no later than 31st May. All candidates will receive a communication about the outcome of their application shortly after this deadline. Applicants are also strongly advised to apply for all other funding and grants open to them, especially those offered by the Global Office and the E3 Institute as outlined below.
This scholarship is open to Non-EU postgraduate students undertaking studies on MSc in Energy Science programme. It is offered subject to the following conditions:
The holder must have completed an undergraduate science or engineering degree.
The holder must engage in full-time study and must register for the MSc in Energy Science with the School of Physics for the academic year.
The holder is required to engage in relevant academic and ambassadorial activities as determined by the MSc Energy Science Course Directors.
The holder must not be a simultaneous holder of other grants, or funding or other awards (or any other awards with a similar monetary value).
1. Submit your online application for MSc in Energy Science at my.tcd.ie. You will receive an 8 digit reference number for your application.?
2. If your application is successful (in receipt of a conditional or unconditional offer), download and complete the scholarship application form.?
3. Submit the completed?scholarship form?(one page in length) to?energyscience@tcd.ie?before 31st May.? Early application is encouraged. In your email, please use the subject title "MSc Energy Science Scholarship'' and include your 8 digit application reference number.
In addition to the Energy Science scholarships, students can also apply for the Global Office Claddagh Scholarship and the Global Excellence Scholarship
Burs son başvuru tarihi:Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Başvuru süreci:Separate application required
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