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- Articulation Scholarship
Articulation Scholarship
At University Of Central Lancashire
United Kingdom
석사, 학사
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount
대학과 연락하기
장학금 내역
2000 GBP
장학금 개요
평균 지원자 수
지정되지 않음
석사, 학사수여 대상자
지정되지 않음
장학금 내역
2000 GBP
가능 입학시기
대학과 연락하기
자금 내역
To celebrate our formal partnerships with key institutions worldwide, we are offering a scholarship of £2,000 per year to each student who progresses from one of our formal articulation partner institutions.
스터디 모드
지정되지 않음
학업 모드
지정되지 않음
과정 신청 마감일
대학과 연락하기
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount수여금 배정
All eligible
기타 고려 사항
Mature students
수여금은 다음에 사용할 수 있습니다.
Tuition fees
성별 요구사항
국적 요건
신청하는 과정 과목
특정 전공 없음선택 기준
대학과 연락하기
선정 기준
To celebrate our formal partnerships with key institutions worldwide, we are offering a scholarship of £2,000 per year to each student who progresses from one of our formal articulation partner institutions.
There is no need to apply for this bursary, it's automatically applied as a reduction to your tuition fee, to the value of £2,000 per year. Where a student has met the Excellence Scholarship criteria, the amount £3,500 would be applied. Students would not be eligible for any other scholarship, but would be eligible for the International Bursary.
Our Admissions Team will detail the scholarship on your offer letter for your degree programme reducing the tuition fee payable for each year of study on your chosen programme.
This is offered to applicants from institutions with a formal articulation agreement (for any course from that institution, not just the one(s) detailed in the articulation agreement), joining us for advanced entry. You must meet the eligibility criteria for your programme of study with us and progress to an undergraduate programme with us in the academic year. Eligibility is by formal articulation partner institution rather than by country.
Students would not be eligible for any other scholarship except our International Bursary.
Programme exclusions: Distance learning, Postgraduate research, Pre-sessional English language, Professional placements, Work-based learning, MBBS
There is no need to apply for this bursary, it's automatically applied as a reduction to your tuition fee, to the value of £2,000 per year. Where a student has met the Excellence Scholarship criteria, the amount £3,500 would be applied. Students would not be eligible for any other scholarship, but would be eligible for the International Bursary.
장학금 신청마감일:대학과 연락하기
입학 지원 절차:Automatic consideration
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