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MBBS Scholarships
At University of Central Lancashire
United Kingdom
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Value: All tuition fees for the duration of the course (five years)
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기타 고려 사항
Academic excellence, Widening participation
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Tuition fees
성별 요구사항
국적 요건
신청하는 과정 과목
선택 기준
Academic excellence
선정 기준
The University of Central Lancashire, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust and North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust are offering MBBS scholarships for UK students from the North West of England, particularly from backgrounds that are under-represented at university.
Regional scholarships for East Lancashire and West Cumbria
Mackenzie Scholarship - offered to applicants from East Lancashire who meet our widening participation criteria.
Jointly funded by the University and East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.
Dr Kate Granger Scholarship - offered to applicants from Cumbria, particularly Copeland or Allerdale, who meet our widening participation criteria. Jointly funded by the University and North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust.
These two scholarships cover all tuition fees for the duration of the five year programme and clinical placement costs in the respective Trusts.
Scholarships for Widening Participation students
Livesey Scholarships – offered to two students who successfully complete the UCLan Scholars Programme – Livesey Medicine Pathway, formerly the Pathways to Medicine Programme.
The UCLan Scholars Programme – Livesey Medicine Pathway has been developed for students from the North West of England who are from backgrounds that are under-represented at universities. It provides advice, skills and support to strengthen your application to medicine and related professional healthcare courses.
The scholarships will cover all tuition fees for the duration of the five-year course.
You should apply for MBBS via the UCAS system. No additional scholarship application is required.
Each applicant who is shortlisted for an interview will take part in the same competitive selection process. In the awarding of the MBBS scholarships preference will be given to successful applications from a widening participation background. The final offer of an MBBS scholarship is based on ranking after interview and additional weighting.
장학금 신청마감일:대학과 연락하기
입학 지원 절차:Automatic consideration
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