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- British Marshall Scholarships
British Marshall Scholarships
At University of Glasgow
United Kingdom
Tipe pendanaan
Free products/services
Batas waktu
Hubungi universitas
Nilai penghargaan
Tidak ditentukan
Tentang beasiswa
Institusi pemberi penghargaan
University of GlasgowRata-rata pendaftar tiap tahun
Tidak ditentukan
PascasarjanaJumlah penghargaan yang tersedia
Nilai penghargaan
Tidak ditentukan
Intake yang memenuhi syarat
Hubungi universitas
Detail pendanaan
Full Scholarship: University tuition fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, fares to and from USA and dependent’s allowance.
Modus belajar
Tidak ditentukan
Modus penyampaian
Tidak ditentukan
Batas waktu pendaftaran jurusan/penawaran
Hubungi universitas
Tipe pendanaan
Free products/servicesAlokasi penghargaan
Aspek lain yang diperhatikan
Academic excellence
Penghargaan dapat digunakan untuk
Research costs, Books, Cost of living, Travel tuition, Tuition fees
Persyaratan gender
Persyaratan kewarganegaraan
Subjek jurusan yang Anda daftarkan
Sejarah Seni
Kimia Umum
Sistem Informasi
Teknik Sipil
Teknik Kedirgantaraan
Teknik Biomedis
Ekonomi dan Ekonometrika
Ilmu Kesehatan
Penulisan Kreatif
Bahasa dan Sastra
Bahasa Inggris
Studi Bahasa Inggris Lainnya
Studi Kurikulum dan Pendidikan
Dasar seleksi
Academic excellence
Kriteria seleksi
The Marshall Scholarships offer top quality US students the opportunity to study at any British University for at least two years. Up to 40 new Scholarships are awarded annually. A Marshall Scholarship is tenable for 22 months (two academic years). Candidates may apply in any discipline leading to the award of a degree from any British University. The closing date is normally in October.
Open to US citizens holding a first degree from an accredited four-year college or university in the USA with a minimum GPA of 3.7 AND applying in any discipline leading to the award of a degree from any British University.
Eligible programmes
Academic Practice[MEd Online distance learning]
Adult Education, Community Development & Youth Work (CLD Standards Council Accredited)[MEd/PgDip]
Advanced Functional Materials[MSc]
Advanced Imaging & Sensing[MSc]
Advanced Lymphoedema Management[PgCert Blended learning]
Advanced Nursing Science[MSc]
Advanced Practice in Health Care[MSc(MedSci)]
Advanced Practice in Veterinary Nursing[MSc/PgDip/PgCert Online distance learning]
Advanced Statistics[MRes]
Aerospace Engineering[MSc]
Aerospace Engineering & Management[MSc]
Ancient Cultures[MSc],etc.
Please visit the Marshall Scholarship website for more details.
Batas Waktu Penghargaan:Hubungi universitas
Proses aplikasi:Separate application required
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