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World Changers RUK Access Bursary
At University Of Glasgow
United Kingdom
Tipe pendanaan
Batas waktu
Hubungi universitas
Nilai penghargaan
3000 GBP
Tentang beasiswa
Institusi pemberi penghargaan
University Of GlasgowRata-rata pendaftar tiap tahun
Tidak ditentukan
SarjanaJumlah penghargaan yang tersedia
Tidak ditentukan
Nilai penghargaan
3000 GBP
Intake yang memenuhi syarat
Hubungi universitas
Detail pendanaan
£3,000 will be awarded, in instalments, as a cash payment to students whose household income is below £25,001.
Modus belajar
Tidak ditentukan
Modus penyampaian
Tidak ditentukan
Batas waktu pendaftaran jurusan/penawaran
Hubungi universitas
Tipe pendanaan
CashAlokasi penghargaan
Aspek lain yang diperhatikan
Income related
Penghargaan dapat digunakan untuk
Cost of living, Tuition fees
Persyaratan gender
Persyaratan kewarganegaraan
Northern Ireland
Subjek jurusan yang Anda daftarkan
Akuntansi Bisnis
Bisnis Internasional
Kimia Umum
Ilmu Komputer
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
Teknik Sipil
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Biomedis
Ekonomi dan Ekonometrika
Ekonomi Bisnis
Kedokteran Gigi
Warisan Sejarah
Sejarah Kuno
Ilmu Budaya
Bahasa dan Sastra
Fisika Umum
Dasar seleksi
Financial need/hardship
Kriteria seleksi
The bursary supports talented students who may not be able to take their place at University for reasons of financial hardship. It is available to new entrant full-time, undergraduate students of the University of Glasgow who are fully registered for the up coming academic session, ordinarily domiciled in England, Wales or Northern Ireland and paying full annual tuition fee.
- Students must be UK Nationals who are normally resident in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Students must be paying full annual tuition fee
- Household income is verified as under the agreed threshold
- Be undertaking your first undergraduate degree
- Nursing students are not eligible.
- If you are required to repeat any year of study, the payment will not be awarded for that year.
There is no application for the RUK Access Bursary, the information you provide in your application for fees and/or cost-of-living support to Student Finance England/Northern Ireland/Wales will be used to assess your eligibility for the bursary.
Batas Waktu Penghargaan:Hubungi universitas
Proses aplikasi:Automatic consideration
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