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- Roehampton Music Scholarship
Roehampton Music Scholarship
At University of Roehampton
موقعیت مکانی
United Kingdom
کارشناسی ارشد, کارشناسی
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Fee waiver/discount
تماس با دانشگاه
ارزش سهمیه
تعیین نشده
در مورد بورسیه
:موسساتی که سهمیه را ارایه می دهند
University of Roehampton:میانگین تعداد درخواست در هر سال
تعیین نشده
کارشناسی ارشد, کارشناسی:تعداد سهمیه های قابل استفاده
:ارزش سهمیه
تعیین نشده
:دریافت واجد شرایط
تماس با دانشگاه
:اطلاعات تامین سرمایه
The scholarships are worth up to £1,200 a year and will support a student on any undergraduate and postgraduate courses enrolling at Roehampton.
:حالت مطالعه
تعیین نشده
:نحوه دریافت
تعیین نشده
:فرجه درخواست درس یا ارایه
تماس با دانشگاه
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Fee waiver/discount:تخصیص سهمیه
:در نظر گرفتن موارد دیگر
:سهمیه میتواند برای.... استفاده شود
Tuition fees
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با جنسیت
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با ملیت
All international
:دروسی که برایشان درخواست داده اید
سایر هنرهای خلاقانه
:مبنا انتخاب
Music excellence
:شرایط انتخاب
Students applying for the scholarship will need to demonstrate musical aptitude and their commitment to engage in the musical life of the university, alongside successful academic progression. Scholarships are linked to our four Colleges, and successful applicants will be expected to contribute to the musical life of their College.
The University of Roehampton offers music scholarships to enable undergraduate and postgraduate students meet some of the costs of developing their talents through lessons, courses, or the purchase of relevant equipment (instruments/strings/sheet music etc.). In return, music scholars enhance the cultural life of the University through performances and enrich their colleges by being available for events chosen by College Heads. The scholarships are worth up to £1,200 a year and will support a student on any undergraduate and postgraduate courses enrolling at Roehampton.
Students applying for the scholarship will need to demonstrate musical aptitude and their commitment to engage in the musical life of the university, alongside successful academic progression. Scholarships are linked to our four Colleges, and successful applicants will be expected to contribute to the musical life of their College.
To apply for the scholarship you should:
Apply for an undergraduate or postgraduate course with us
Complete the application form
Applicants should prepare between 5-8 minutes of music to perform live at an audition or to be submitted as a video. This can be in any style or genre.
If you are offered a place with us, accept the offer (if you are an undergraduate, you should accept as your first choice).
مهلت دریافت جایزهتماس با دانشگاه
مراحل درخواست:Separate application required
برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر مربوط به کمک هزینه های تشویقی و تحصیلی از صفحه موسسه دیدن کنید. صفحه اسکالرشیپ موسسه