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Faculty of Science International Excellence Award for Postgraduate Taught Masters Students
At University Of Strathclyde
United Kingdom
Yüksek Lisans
Finansman türü
Fee waiver/discount
Son tarih
31 Jul 2025
Ödenek değeri
7000 to 8000 GBP
Burs hakkında
Ödenek veren kurum
University Of StrathclydeYıllık ortalama başvuru
Yüksek LisansMevcut ödenek sayısı
Ödenek değeri
7000 to 8000 GBP
Uygun alım
Sep - 2025
Finansman detayları
The scholarships value will range from £7,000 to £8,000.
Eğitim modu
Full Time
Gönderim modu
In Person
Bölüm/teklif başvuru son tarihi
Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Finansman türü
Fee waiver/discountÖdenek tahsili
Dikkate alınan diğer hususlar
Academic excellence
Ödenek şunlar için kullanılabilir
Tuition fees
Cinsiyet şartları
Uyruk şartları
All international
Başvurduğunuz bölüm
Adli Bilim
Genel Kimya
Bilgisayar Bilimi
Konuşma Patolojileri
Genel Fizik
Seçim esasları
Academic excellence
Seçim kriterleri
The scholarships will be awarded on merit, rather than financial need, to candidates who can demonstrate excellent academic performance (current/and or previously gained), any relevant extra-curricular or professional experience and career development, and who will contribute to the overall academic, cultural and experiential of the programme cohort.
- The value of the Faculty of Science International Excellence Award for Postgraduate Taught Masters Students is £7,000 - £8,000 and will be deducted from your fees.
- The scholarships are available for eligible self-funded, international (non-EU) fee-paying applicants enrolling on a full-time PGT Masters course on-campus, starting September 2025. The scholarships cannot be deferred or transferred to any other entry points.
- Those who receive full sponsorship from a government office or embassy are not eligible for these scholarships.
- Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis following a review of the application and statement submitted and assessed based on the academic performance (current and/or previously gained), motivations, experience and career aspirations highlighted.
- Scholarships will be awarded on a rolling basis. Awards may be allocated early in the application cycle and so making an early application for admission is advised.
- Please do not submit duplicate scholarship applications as all scholarship application forms submitted will remain under consideration until the deadline of 31 July 2025.
A link to the scholarship application form will be included in an applicant's offer of admission.
Burs son başvuru tarihi:31 Jul 2025
Başvuru süreci:Separate application required
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