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Victoria University of Wellington Study Abroad Scholarship
At Victoria University of Wellington
موقعیت مکانی
New Zealand
کارشناسی ارشد, دکترا, کارشناسی
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Fee waiver/discount
تماس با دانشگاه
ارزش سهمیه
تعیین نشده
در مورد بورسیه
:موسساتی که سهمیه را ارایه می دهند
Victoria University of Wellington:میانگین تعداد درخواست در هر سال
تعیین نشده
کارشناسی ارشد, دکترا, کارشناسی:تعداد سهمیه های قابل استفاده
:ارزش سهمیه
تعیین نشده
:دریافت واجد شرایط
تماس با دانشگاه
:اطلاعات تامین سرمایه
The value of the scholarship is up to NZ $1,000 to each successful applicant. It is paid as a one-off payment into the student’s account once they enrol at Victoria University of Wellington.
:حالت مطالعه
تعیین نشده
:نحوه دریافت
تعیین نشده
:فرجه درخواست درس یا ارایه
تماس با دانشگاه
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Fee waiver/discount:تخصیص سهمیه
:در نظر گرفتن موارد دیگر
Academic excellence
:سهمیه میتواند برای.... استفاده شود
Tuition fees
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با جنسیت
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با ملیت
All international
:دروسی که برایشان درخواست داده اید
محدود به درس نیست:مبنا انتخاب
Academic excellence
:شرایط انتخاب
Successful applicants will be selected by the Assistant Vice-Chancellor International Associate Director, International Business Development and Recruitment and the International Regional Manager for North America (or nominees).
A motivational statement in written form or video (see requirements below) about how you think a Study Abroad and Exchange experience in New Zealand will benefit you (personally, academically, and professionally) and what you are excited about experiencing in Wellington.
To encourage diversity within our Study Abroad and Exchange cohort, the University encourages students from the following and other under-represented groups to identify themselves within their motivational statement:
- students of indigenous and minority backgrounds
- low-income and first-generation tertiary students
- mature students
- LGBTQIA + students
- students living with disabilities
Number offered: Up to 15 each trimester.
The scholarship is open to international students who plan to experience New Zealand culture through the Study Abroad and Exchange programme at Victoria University of Wellington. Successful applicants must be willing to participate in marketing activities to promote Study Abroad and Exchange opportunities to students at Victoria University of Wellington. Consideration is given to experiences, attributes, backgrounds and academic achievements.
Any international student who intends to enrol in the Study Abroad and Exchange programme at Victoria University of Wellington for a minimum of one trimester.
- Applicants must have applied to study abroad at Victoria University of Wellington as an international student and hold an Offer to study by the application deadline.
- Applicants must hold a minimum GPA of 2.7 (out of 4).
- Applicants must commence study in the trimester and year indicated in their Offer of Place letter.
Tenure: One year
A completed online application must be submitted by 4.30 pm on the closing date. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Any required supporting documentation (including references) must also be received by 4.30 pm on the closing date in order for the application to be considered.
Applications will normally open one month prior to the closing date.
مهلت دریافت جایزهتماس با دانشگاه
مراحل درخواست:Separate application required
برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر مربوط به کمک هزینه های تشویقی و تحصیلی از صفحه موسسه دیدن کنید. صفحه اسکالرشیپ موسسه