If you are interested in more than one field of study, then a conjoint degree could be a great fit for you. A conjoint degree is a combination of two undergraduate degrees you can pursue in a shorter period of time (simultaneously), which would otherwise take longer if pursued separately.
Apart from the fact that you can study two degrees in place of one in the same amount of time, conjoint degrees have various other benefits, such as:
Many students end up confusing a conjoint degree with the dual/double degree. Here is how they are different from one another:

Usually, the conjoint degrees are four years of full-time degree programs. To understand comprehensively, a bachelor program covers eight courses per year. However, a conjoint degree usually consists of nine courses per year. So, a three-year bachelor’s degree includes 24 courses i.e. 360 points. For instance, if you opt for BA/BSc conjoint, it consists of 36 courses i.e. 540 points. In short, you have to study 17 courses i.e. 255 points in each conjoint discipline that might also include one course from General Education and the other one as an elective course. But, the number of points required for completion of the conjoint degree will vary as per the particular conjoint combination.
In conjoint degree, you’ll be charged as per the course. Although a conjoint degree can be more expensive than a bachelor’s degree, but it’s not twice the price, as you cannot double the number of courses.
The years 2018-19 witnessed a spike in the trend where students opted majorly for arts, humanities, health sciences and other allied courses. Engineering, advance sciences and other courses are fairly new additions. Some of the most popular combinations are:
During your initial application to the university, you can also apply for a conjoint degree. However, for some combinations, the applications can also be made in subsequent years, if you decide to gain a second degree |
The entry to these programs requires you to complete one year of study in one of the component degrees (i.e., in one of the discipline areas) |
All programmes or majors cannot be conjoint. This only applies to programmes which include a strong practical element or a greater proportion of compulsory courses |
You must complete a major on each of the sides of the conjoint. As per the conjoint combination and interest, you can double major on each of the sides |
In a double degree, you can cross-credit some points from one to the other, if one is completed early. For instance, you can study a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Nursing as a double degree. This option isn’t available in a conjoint degree |
If you are in tertiary education, then most of the combinations will be completed within four to five years, in contrast to six to eight years in case you opt to study each degree separately |
All conjoint combinations are not available every year. The regulations governing the conjoint degrees can be learned from the university calendar and for further information, you can contact School or Faculty of study |
You might get an opportunity to start a conjoint degree in the first or second year of your study program, and usually, all the programmes are completed within four to five years, depending upon the combination you choose. Don’t worry If you have already begun your studies, you still have the option to take a conjoint degree. To explore this further, we’re always there to guide you.
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