Before you arrive in your new city or town, it is a good idea to explore the local public transport options and decide how you will get around.
Getting around Canada is generally easiest with a car, except in urban centres like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal where public transit is much more feasible.
If you prefer to use public transportation, research your options before you decide where to live.
If you live in one of Canada's bigger cities, you might prefer to walk, cycle or catch public transport rather than worry about potentially more expensive (and less convenient) private travel options.
Most public transport options offer discounted travel if you're a student, but you may need a specific student card.
The bus is the most common form of urban transportation in Canada. Some cities have other modes of public transit. In most cases, you can easily transfer from one mode of transportation to another.
In most cities, you can buy tickets at:
Buses are available for local travel as well as longer distances, with frequent services running between major cities.
Trains are modern, quiet and efficient, and offer convenient routes between popular destinations like Montréal and Halifax, or for travel from Montréal and Toronto to Vancouver.
If you choose to drive or cycle in Canada, you will need to understand the rules and meet any requirements before hitting the road.
If you want to travel further, you can fly out of one of Canada's 13 international airports or choose from a number of different domestic airports across the country.
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