What’s an interesting fact about your university?
You asked, we answered. You asked What’s an interesting fact about your university? and we gathered short videos from institutions, students and our IDP counsellors giving their answers and opinions.
There are many interesting facts about the University of Ottawa, however, the one that seems to stand out the most every day is that we are the largest bilingual French English university in the world. This means that all of our students can choose to take their classes taught in French or in English, allowing you to study in one language while learning another.
So an interesting fact about the University of Ottawa is that it was actually established in 1848 as the College of By Town. Right now, we are actually the largest English and French bilingual University in the world.
What's a fun fact about ECU, we're the only university named after a woman in Australia, Edith Cowan, and right before me, it's her very first house.
Edith Cowan University is named after Edith Cowan. She was the first woman in Australian parliament. She's also on the fifty dollar bill. We are the only university in Australia who is named after a woman.
Bond University is Australia's first private university, but not for profits, all the fees are reinvested back on the students. And also it is a multicultural learning environment on the campus. And we have Australia's largest indigenous collection of arts on display to the public.