Theatre has the potential to foster dialogue, alter perceptions, and inspire social change. The Auburn University Department of Theatre and Dance is dedicated to the education and professional training of theatre artists, scholars, and audiences within a liberal arts environment. The Department champions the interaction between theory and practice and produces citizen artists who advocate for the arts through their own work in local, national, and international communities. Auburn University theatre students think critically, creatively, and collaboratively and carry their knowledge from rehearsal spaces and classrooms to stages, campuses, and communities worldwide. Students graduating with degrees from the Department of Theatre and Dance find employment in a wide variety of fields including as actors, theatre technicians, administrators, community leaders, and/or educators. The Department of Theatre and Dance provides instruction and production experience for students interested in developing their talents in the theatre arts, whether as majors or non-majors. Consequently, a broad range of classroom, laboratory, and performance experiences is provided in acting, directing, devising, music theatre, dance, scenic and lighting design, costume design, theatre technology, construction and crafts, theatre history, dramatic literature, music theatre, theatre criticism, theatre administration, and management.