Explore sound and music at an advanced level, and focus on the areas that interest you most. This course develops your core skills, such as working with instruments and sonic objects, notational strategies, soundscape recording, sound design, spatial audio, sound design, and interactive audio (e.g. for live performance, gaming, VR, immersive environments, and installations).
We put your work and practice at the centre of everything we do, offering you a space to experiment, make new music, and explore your potential. Whether your work is based in notation or in digital audio, well help you develop and expand your skills as a composer or sonic artist and deepen your artistic, professional and academic knowledge.
This MA in Composition and Sonic Art caters for those working in a wide variety of styles and approaches, and enables you to develop an individually-tailored portfolio of skills, experience, and artistic practice. By taking this varied approach, you'll be more suited for employment in today's landscape, where many combine traditional roles (such as musician, performer or composer) with technical roles in other media.