The Hospitality & Communication major is a bachelor of science program offered by the School of Hospitality Administration (SHA), in collaboration with the College of Communication (COM). SHA has recognized that there is a growing need for hospitality professionals to possess expertise in communication and its disciplines: public relations, advertising, TV, radio, and film, and media production. The program in Hospitality & Communication is intended to offer a synergistic approach to respond to a growing demand for hospitality professionals with detailed knowledge of modern communication techniques. These two educational fields are intrinsically connected, as well-honed communication skills are especially critical to success in the hospitality industry. The focused program of study will offer students a comprehensive foundation in the lodging and restaurant sectors while also honing the communication skills necessary for careers involving creative and strategic marketing.
Learning Outcomes
Describe the segments (e.g., lodging, food service, events, etc.), history, icons, market leaders, lexicon, and service elements of the hospitality industry.
Apply skills and knowledge in the core functional areas (e.g., finance/accounting, operations, human resources, and marketing) of hospitality management.
Demonstrate understanding of hospitality as a system comprising the core functional areas (e.g., finance/accounting, operations, human resources, and marketing).
Develop interpersonal skills: communication, team-building, leadership, and cultural diversity awareness.
Understand marketing communications campaign strategy, content development, media planning, and consumer insight within the hospitality arena.
Learn and apply communication tools for hospitality companies in key areas, including content marketing, social media, and social campaign development.