The degree program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering carries special enrollment limitations. Mechanical engineers work with concepts, ideas, and products that are primarily mechanical or energy related. Mechanical engineering is a broad discipline that prepares a person to contribute in a wide range of fields such as aerospace, computer graphics, power generation, machine tools, petroleum, agricultural and construction equipment, medicine, robotics, government, and all types of transportation. A mechanical engineer may work in research, design, analysis, manufacturing, testing, operations, sales, or management. Engineers use critical problem-solving methods and basic principles of mathematics and science to creatively solve problems.
Career Opportunities - A bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering provides widely recognized professional training for careers in industry, government, and other areas. Most industrial companies hire mechanical engineers. Companies that make mechanical or energy-related products may hire mostly mechanical engineers. As a result, many mechanical engineering positions are available worldwide. Mechanical engineers have job opportunities in companies involved in such areas as aircraft and spacecraft design, manufacturing processes, product safety and reliability, solar energy, electronic equipment packaging and cooling, power plant design, jet, train, truck, and automobile engines, environmental protection, artificial intelligence, robotics, medical and hospital equipment, new material development and applications, and technical writing. Increasing numbers of positions utilize foreign language experience. A graduate in mechanical engineering is prepared for advanced studies in the field as well as in a variety of other disciplines, including law, medicine, and business administration. Perhaps most important to graduates are the problem-solving strategies and thinking processes acquired in the study of mechanical engineering that help one to succeed in any area of endeavor.
An emphasis is not a new major. It is an option for a specialization within the Mechanical Engineering major. These options exist in many departments across campus. While most of the courses are identical, an emphasis requires a narrower set of requirements towards a specific area. An emphasis does not appear on your diploma, but does appear on your transcript. This option is not for everyone, but may be a good fit for a student who is passionate about a particular area.