The Physics and Astronomy degree provides a solid grounding in physics with an emphasis in astronomy. It is a strong physics degree which prepares students for graduate study in astronomy or astrophysics. It also provides a good background for graduate study in physics or for professional study in business, law, medicine, or other areas, while satisfying a strong undergraduate interest in astronomy. Physics and astronomy students learn to approach complex problems in science and technology from a broad background in mechanics, electricity and magnetism, statistical and thermal physics, quantum mechanics, relativity, optics, and acoustics. The tools they develop at BYU include problem solving by mathematical and computational modeling, as well as experimental and observational discovery and analysis. All students gain professional experience via a research senior thesis, capstone project, internship project, or student teaching, usually in close association with a faculty member. Together these experiences can provide excellent preparation for employment or for graduate studies in physics, other sciences, engineering, medicine, law, or business. Most physicists and astronomers work in research and development in industrial, government, or university labs to solve new problems in technology and science. They also share the beauty discovered in our physical universe by teaching in planetariums, high schools, colleges, and universities.
Students are required to take the Physics Major Field Test the last semester before they graduate.