If you are ready to explore more widely, think more deeply, and engage more critically, creatively, and confidently with the world via the written word, then English is the subject for you.
By exploring a broad range of fiction, stories, plays, poetry, and life writing from different gendered-, class-, and race-aware angles, you will develop knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a variety of exciting careers.
In year one, you will build your academic skills by taking six modules, four of which are required and two of which are optional.
In year two, you will develop your academic interests by choosing six modules focusing on literary genres and periods that fascinate you.
In year three, you will hone your academic interests by creating your own curriculum: four modules and a dissertation (extended piece of writing exploring texts/topics of your choice).
If you undertake our four-year BA, you will undertake a one-year work placement before returning to complete your programme of year three learning. In each year of your learning programme, required modules focusing on CV-building and employability, along with optional enrichment activities, will prepare you for your chosen career.
Your learning programme will be delivered in person, through interactive lectures, seminars, workshops, and tutorials, where you will participate in discussion and debate alongside reading and writing tasks. You will be assessed through written assignments (including essays, reviews, online discussion boards) and presentations (both in-person and digital).