Our aim is for you to become a ‘global citizen’ who thinks critically, understands cultural diversity and has a wealth of transferable skills.With our Linguistics and a Modern Language (BA) programme, you’ll develop high-level communication and critical-thinking skills, and foster resilience and independence through time spent in immersive foreign language contexts.Our linguistics curriculum has a distinctive character and you’ll receive a rigorous grounding in the analysis of language (including key aspects of phonetics, morphology and syntax). You’ll also have the opportunity to select modules on topics as varied as forensic linguistics, first and second language acquisition, sociolinguistics or media discourse. This enables you to shape your linguistics studies to your interests, using the latest approaches to study with a critical eye and make connections to debates in the publicsphere.This robust exploration of English language, and its constructs, will be complemented by your modern language studies, choosing from Chinese, French and Spanish. We’ll make sure you join the most appropriate pathway to ensure your success. Those with an A level or equivalent competence in a modern language will take an Upper Elementary pathway while those with limited or no knowledge of a modern language will take our Elementary pathway.In addition to developing your fluency, you’ll explore your modern language’s social, political, historical and cultural contexts from a global perspective. Through a variety of language learning resources and materials, and a range of student-centred learning activities, you’ll also develop your reading, writing, oral, listening and mediation skills.An integral part of this joint honours programme is the opportunity to spend time working or living abroad to experience life in the culture of the modern language you’re studying. The skills and experiences gained from this time abroad are invaluable for personal and professional development, helping to foster flexible communication skills, confidence and resilience.It’s important to remember that studying languages is not just about language itself, it involves the integrated study of language, culture and society and our programme offers challenging and stimulating modules emphasising diversity and celebrating cultural and linguistic mobility. You’ll also find that there are complementary issues and perspectives that link your linguistics and modern language studies.Graduating with a range of academic, linguistic and practical skills – including teamworking, leadership and communication – the confidence to use them and the ability to see the big picture, you’ll be valued by employers and ideally placed to progress into a range of careers.Career prospectsWe’re committed to helping you achieve your professional ambitions, providing you with the skills, curiosity, and confidence to make your mark in a competitive job market. Whether you have a clear idea of what you would like to do after university, or no idea at all, we have the tools and support to guide you.