Political Theory is a research area within which you can focus your studies as part of our suite of Politics and International Relations research programmes (MPhil, PhD). The School has an exceptionally strong research culture with a strong reputation for the quality of the research produced and the growing number of research grants it is attracting. It is home to the renowned Collingwood and British Idealism Centre and attracts visiting scholars from all over the world, most prominently Professors Carole Pateman and Rex Martin both of whom have become Honorary Professors at Cardiff. The Political Theory Research Unit has an unusual concentration of political theorists and historians of political thought and this enables it to offer supervision across a wide range of research topics, including British idealism, Collingwood, Contemporary political theory, Distributive justice, Environmental politics, European Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment, Gender studies, Globalisation, Global justice, History of ideas, History of political thought, Historiography & historical theory, Humanitarian intervention, Human rights, Identity, Ideology critique, International law, International relations, Just war, Liberalism, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Normative politicla theory, Political theory and iek.
Full-time duration - PhD 3 years, MPhil 1 year