MA Fashion: Branding & Creative Communication is a contemporary studio-based programme designed to help you build creative, conceptual and professional skills. The course aims to encourage and developthe next generation of fashion communicators, with the innovative mind-set, strategic thinking awareness and enterprise vision necessary for contributing to contemporary culture, leading to careers in the fast-moving industry of visual branding and fashion media and communications.
The course welcomes applicants with interests across diverse aspects of contemporary fashion culture, including fashion journalism, fashion photography, fashion film, fashion curating, contemporary understanding of branding, marketing and art direction for fashion, contexts for sustainable fashion, engagement with social media and emerging technologies, such as AR, VR and holography, creative collaborative practice and experimental approaches to creative communication, challenges to established societal and cultural assumptions,and critical examination of both analogue and digital modes of communication.
Throughout the 12-month programme in our central Cambridge'studios, you will find new sources of inspiration and explore exciting new directions for your image-making practice, experimenting across photography, moving image, animation, illustration and graphic media, art direction, editorial (print and digital), contemporary approaches to branding and styling, to develop your unique visual and conceptual approach to the branding of fashion.You will build specialist theoretical and practicalknowledge of branding and promotional strategies and apply that knowledgeto campaigns that communicate with different fashion audiencesin a variety of contemporary spaces, analogueand digital platforms, andlive events and experiences.