The Public Health and Specialist Community Nursing (SCPHNSPQ) programme prepares you to practise independently as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor or School Nurse) or Community Nurse Specialist (Community Nursing in Health and Social Care, Community Children’s Nurse, District Nurse or General Practice Nurse).
The programme of study takes you through a specialist community public health or community nursing specialist trajectory which allows you to consider health attainment, promotion, and illness prevention in the context of local, regional, national and international public health, health and social care policy and practice.You will learn about the latest theory and practice influencing service provision and critically evaluate approaches to developing and delivering effective services to enhance your role.You will have the opportunity to develop your skills in:Critical analysis, evaluation, and synthesis
The integration of research and theory to practice
Clinical risk assessment and risk management
Developing strengthening awareness of equality and diversity.Queen’s Nursing Institute Endorsement (SPQ Pathways):
Additionally, City St George’s, University of London has successfully achieved endorsement for our Specialist Community Nursing pathways from the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI).This additional independent national accreditation requires you to successfully complete the Independent and Supplementary Prescribing module as an essential element of your chosen pathway and will demonstrate for you how the course maps onto and reflects an Advanced Level of Practice.If you are eligible for this additional national accreditation, you will receive a nationally recognised digital accreditation and certificate issued by the QNI.
Teaching and assessment: This programme uses a blended learning approach. This approach combines the use of online educational materials, platforms and synchronous online sessions and in person-based teaching and learning methods.The learning and teaching strategies will include formal lectures, seminars; student-led seminars; group projects; simulated practice; negotiated learning, online synchronous and asynchronous learning, self-directed and practice-based activities.You will be required to attendcomplete a programme of blended learning that will incorporate on campus, online synchronous andor asynchronous education whilst also jointly learning in a specialist clinical practice placement.Career:
Successful completion of the School Nursing and Health Visiting routes on this programme will enable you to gain second registration on the Specialist Community Public Health Nurses part of the NMC register (professional award) plus an academic award at Postgraduate Diploma level. You will also be able to practise as a Health Visitor or School Nurse.Successful completion of the Community Children’s Nursing, Community Nursing in Health and Social Care, District Nursing or General Practice Nursing route will enable you to record a community nursing specialist practice qualification with the NMC.The programme has been approved by the NMC. It is aligned to the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (NMC 2022, School Nursing and Health Visiting pathways) and Community Nursing Specialist Practice Qualification (NMC 2022, Community Children’s Nursing, Community Nursing in Health and Social Care, District Nursing or General Practice Nursing. The Community Nursing Specialist Practice Qualification has also successfully sought endorsement by the Queen’s Nursing Institute. The community nursing specialist pathways are mapped against the QNI Field Specific Standards which are also mapped against the four pillars (domains) of advanced practice as described by the Health Education England Advanced Practice Toolkit Framework (2017).