The program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, and meets the requirements for professional certification by the American Chemical Society. This program provides the broad fundamental knowledge most suited to students planning to become professional chemists or planning to pursue graduate training.
Chemists work to discover new compounds and reactions that lead to the development of new drugs, plastics, energy sources and various other materials such as paints, adhesives, cosmetics, pesticides, and others. Chemists work in various fields, including environmental science, measuring and reducing pollution, medicine, contributing to advances in disease diagnosis and treatment, agriculture, food processing, and many other areas and industries. Chemists work as scientists in various testing and research laboratories. Graduates have many employment opportunities as: technicians in biotechnology, environmental, pharmaceutical, clinical, and forensic testing laboratories, research assistants in industrial, government and academic labs, technical sales and service for chemical and other related industries, high school chemistry/science teachers (licensure required), Bachelor graduates also pursue advanced degrees to receive doctorates in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and veterinary science, or pursue master's and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry or a related science.