Fermentation Science and Technology is a multidisciplinary major focusing on the science of fermented foods and beverages. The curriculum focuses on the science of the processes and methods involved with using microorganisms in the commercial production of fermented products. Courses in the major also emphasize the safety, culinary, and nutritional aspects of fermented foods and beverages. This major prepares students for employment in the fermented food and beverage industries in such roles as product development, processing, quality assurance and control, sensory evaluation, packaging, distribution, and plant management. Students enrolled in this major have the opportunity to participate in industry activities and professional organizations to increase their practical understanding of fermented food and beverage production, processing methods, and specific techniques.
Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate:
Ability to integrate biological and chemical processes related to quality and stability of fermented foods, and to critique and effectively communicate the relationships among the processing of fermented foods, nutrition, and food safety.
Discipline-specific knowledge of the skills and competencies needed in fermentation science and technology. Examples include knowledge of food chemistry, sensory evaluation of fermented products, brewing processes, refining and packaging technology, food production management, and fermentation microbiology.
Understanding of classification, production, financial aspects, consumption, and service of controlled beverages, including effective management of facilities and people with an emphasis on safe service training and management.
Competent application of science, history, culture, safety, health, and nutrition dimensions of fermented foods and beverages.