Social work is distinguished by a tradition of concern for people and their interactions with society. Social work professionals are community problem solvers who intervene in organizational settings, communities, social service agencies, groups, individuals, and families with goals of enhancing well-being and promoting social and economic justice. Most social workers are employed in fields such as child welfare and family services, mental health, medical social work, school social work, corrections, community organization, or advocacy.
The Social Work curriculum focuses on the practical application of social work principles, policies, and practices within human rights and social justice perspectives. Students acquire a professional social work foundation transferable to different settings, population groups, and problem areas. Attention is devoted to understanding the social welfare system in the U.S., and working with individuals, families, and communities to effect the desired change. At the global level, human rights and economic, environmental and social needs are explored through international travel courses. Several practical experiences are required. Students work with an agency participant throughout their sophomore year, and then as seniors, participate in a social work agency internship. International placements may be available. The curriculum also includes a strong liberal arts base in social science research and statistics, arts, humanities, social science, and natural sciences.