Materials science and engineering (MSE) at Cornell prepares students to couple fundamental physics, chemistry, and biology with engineering to improve and invent novel materials that enable these advances. MSE at Cornell is a broad, multidisciplinary field devoted to understanding and manipulating the mechanical, chemical, electrical, magnetic, optical, and biological properties of materials. The science side of MSE investigates the basic mechanisms that give materials their properties. The applications side explores ways to modify all types of materials, including metals, semiconductors, and plasticsand even ways to create new materials like nanoparticlesfor improving performance metrics, such as speed, strength, compactness, and biocompatibility in engineered products.
With materials required for virtually all engineered products, professionals with training, in MSE are employed across all industrial sectors. They are working in every size company,, from large corporations in aerospace, chemicals, medicine, and microelectronics to a, multitude of tiny startups. Job responsibilities include materials selection and qualification,, materials processing, failure analysis, research and design of new materials, and product, development. Many MSE students continue for advanced degrees and work in national,, industrial, and academic research labs developing the technologies of tomorrow, such as, sunlight-harvesting nanopillars or porous scaffolds for tissue regeneration