The M.S. in Human Environment Relations at Cornell University is a two-year graduate program. The research tradition within the Human Environment Relations major is based in the social sciences, and particularly on environmental psychology and human factors/ergonomics. Evidence-based design is fundamental to the major. The research conducted in HCD contributes to the knowledge base that guides design solutions. The underlying premise is that systematic, empirical research based in the social sciences--when combined with imagination--can contribute to the planning, design, and management of environments that enhance the individual and organizational effectiveness. The M.S. program brings together faculty and students with expertise in the fields of interior design, industrial design, graphic design, architecture, art, building technology, environmental psychology, human factors/ergonomics, engineering, geography, and facility planning and management to work on problems related to the interior environment. Much of the research occurs in the field. The department also has a computer-aided design and facility management lab, human factors and ergonomics research labs, an art and environmental design gallery, and a wood workshop.
The M.S. in Human Environment Relations rests on the following basic premises: Development of the knowledge base guiding the planning, design, and management of physical settings requires systematic, empirical research. Individual and organizational behaviors are affected by the form of the environment. The users of environments are diverse and have different needs. Individual characteristics such as gender, stage in life cycle, family structure, role or task affect our environmental needs. In addition, organizational characteristics such as organizational culture, goals, and structure help to shape building form and use. The planning, design, and management of good environments require consideration of all users, from owners, managers and administrators, to clerks, tenants, patients, and students. Understanding organizational and human needs is no less critical than understanding financial, technological and aesthetic factors influencing the planning, design, and management of our physical surroundings. The processes through which environments are planned, designed, and managed are as important as the physical designs themselves.