Cognitive Science is the study of cognition from the point of view of information processing. It combines the traditional fields of cognitive and physiological psychology, computer science, philosophy, and linguistics, among others. Topics of focus include perception, memory, reasoning, and language. Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary study of mind and cognition. It uses approaches and insights from psychology, computer science, philosophy, neuroscience, and linguistics, among other disciplines to develop information processing accounts of cognitive and mental functions. Central topics include perception, memory, reasoning, motor control, language, and the nature of consciousness. Research in the cognitive science program is problem-oriented. Students pursuing a major in Cognitive Science will become familiar with the basic approaches of psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, computer science, and linguistics. Electives will allow students to gain specialized knowledge in a particular problem area of cognitive science. With guidance of an adviser in the program, the student will design a course of study concentrating on a particular problem that can be tackled by a variety of methods, such as computer simulations of psychological processes, computational linguistics, philosophy, and psychology.