On this course, you will learn about the economic challenges faced by business, and develop skills and knowledge in line with the industry demand to help become part of the solution. Bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world challenges faced by business, you will develop a deep understanding of the economics landscape.
The modules, including 'Macroeconomics for Business', 'Data Modelling and Analytics', and 'International Economics, Sustainability, and Emerging Markets', have been carefully crafted by experts in the field. Throughout your learning, you will explore a wide range of economic issues, such as the impact on standards of living, market crashes, and how economics shapes our market structures and the global business landscape. You will also explore cutting-edge trends within the sector, including green economics, digital transformation, and market challenges.
The curriculum has been thoughtfully designed not just to educate but to empower you with analytical skills, critical evaluation capabilities, and a deep understanding of economic dynamics. To compliment your theoretical knowledge, you will develop of a robust set of skills that are highly valued in the business and economics sector, mastering key software, data analysis, teamwork, presentation skills, critical analysis, and essay writing. In our state-of-the art Trading Floor, you will bring all you have learnt to life. With the opportunity to use tools and information platforms used by top decision-makers in business, banking, and government, this practical learning will equip you with skills and confidence to excel in a competitive job market.
Duration: Three years full-time, four years with a placement.