The Secondary Education Major for double majors provides students the opportunity to complete a primary major in Secondary Education and a secondary major in the disciplinary area for which students will be licensed (Art, Design & Media, Biology, Chemistry, English, Environmental Science, History, Mathematics, or Physics). As double majors, students are required to complete both majors and to fulfill all state licensure requirements to be licenses to teach. The double major is designed to provide future Secondary Education teachers with a Secondary Education degree and a disciplinary area degree that reflects disciplinary area expertise. Like the Secondary Education major with disciplinary content courses attached to the major (e.g., Secondary Education Biology, Secondary Education English, et cetera), the Secondary Education Major for double majors draws on the expertise of faculty in the COE's Secondary Education Program and Educational Policy Studies and Research Department to immerse students into essential issues and themes of education and theories and practices of teaching and learning. Such issues as educational inequality, politics of schooling, identity politics, social justice, identity development inside and beyond formal school settings, historical, cognitive, sociocultural, and sociopolitical nature of human development and society are integrated with issues of pedagogical content knowledge, critical pedagogy, constructivist teaching practices, theories of teaching and learning, curriculum development, and professional practice. Ensuring that students understand all these issues is integral to the Program design and delivery and to the preparation of teachers.