Our Years 7-11 curriculum stretches our students academically and personally, developing their knowledge and skills in a supportive yet challenging environment. At Key Stage 4, your child will specialise in their chosen GCSE subjects, creating their own pathway to Sixth Form, university, and beyond. At dOverbroeck's, our Years 7-11 students follow the English National Curriculum, which culminates in their GCSE exams at 16. In a relaxed yet academically ambitious independent secondary school environment, subject specialists deliver a broad curriculum that encourages our students to be curious, think outside the box, and push the boundaries. Challenging, engaging, and packed with outstanding learning experiences, our Key Stage 3 and 4 programmes provide a broad and balanced education that prepares our students for A-levels.
In Years 7 and 8, our students follow a broad curriculum, which includes maths, English, sciences, geography, history, computing, art and design, music, drama, sport, and religion, ethics and philosophy.