The Master of Science in Mathematics exposes students to a diverse set of research areas within both applied and core mathematics. The MS curriculum includes core courses in linear algebra and matrix analysis, principles of analysis, abstract algebra, complex variables and real variables. In the second year, students specialize with advanced coursework in areas such as ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, numerical analysis, mathematical neuroscience, and applied probability and statistics.
The Department of Mathematics at Drexel University offers an MS and a PhD in Mathematics. Our graduate math programs rank among the top 100 graduate mathematics programs in the country, according to U.S. News & World Report. The Department of Mathematics is a broadly based academic unit offering instructional programs and carrying on research activities in mathematics. Departmental research interests include applied mathematics, algebraic combinatorics, biomathematics, combinatorics, discrete mathematics, matrix and operator theory, geometry, optics, probability, number theory, numerical analysis, probability and statistics, matrix and operator theory, fluid mechanics and partial differential equations. There are no thesis, language, or special examination requirements for the Mathematics Master's degree.