Research projects undertaken in both mechanical and mechatronic engineering at ECU focus on a number of themes which involve experimental andor simulation based studies.
These include automotive engineering, energy systems, manufacturing and automation, mechanical behaviour of engineering materials, renewable and sustainable energy sources, robotics and thermofluids. The School of Engineering has an array of resources to support research activities within the above themes, with major on-campus resources including: Modern laboratories (e.g., robotics, materials characterisation, mechanical testing, energy, motorsports workshop) A well-equipped manufacturing workshop (CNC machine tools, 3D printing); Flow dynamics instrumentation (multi-channel constant temperature anemometry, flow visualisation, laser-diagnostics, infra-red imaging) Engine testing dynamometers; Modelling software (CFD, design, simulation, image processing, intelligent optimisation and prediction); and Project specific experimental set-ups (biomass combustor, impinging jet nozzle, custom designed engines, hexapod and wheeled robots). Higher degree by research projects undertaken in the above may also seek access to Perth based supercomputing facilities as well as establish collaborations with external partners (international, industry). Students considering starting a research degree in mechanical and mechatronic engineering at ECU should have a good level of research training as demonstrated by a publication record in peer-reviewed outlets, employment in research roles within academic and industry or equivalent avenues of practiced research excellence.